Landlords Certificate

If you are a landlord you have legal obligations when it comes to gas safety.
Landlords’ legal duties apply to a wide range of accommodation including:

If you let a property, you must make sure that pipe work, appliances and flues provided for tenants are maintained in a safe condition. You need to have a gas safety check every year. A Gas Safe registered engineer must carry out the safety check in your properties in Great Britain and the Isle of Man. You must give your tenants a copy of the gas safety certificate within 28 days of it being carried out or before they move in.

Gas Safety Certificate

Gas safety certificates are issued by Gas Safe registered engineers to confirm that gas appliances are working safely.

After your gas appliance has been installed or serviced, your Gas Safe registered engineer will give you a gas safety certificate. This certificate tells you that the gas appliance is safe and the work meets the safety standards.

It will also tell you when you next need to service the appliance. Getting your appliances serviced every year is vital to its safety and efficiency.

I can issue you with a gas safety certificate after a successful gas safety check of the property.